March 21, 2023

HSP Staff Member, Jacob May, Co-Authors Poster on IFBA Cyberbiosecurity Certification for Upcoming EBSA Conference

HSP Program and Cybersecurity Manager, Jacob May, recently co-authored a poster on “Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks in Biological Laboratories: Professional Certification in Cyberbiosecurity.” This poster, a collaboration with fellow members of the International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA) Cyberbiosecurity Technical Committee, announces the new IFBA Cyberbiosecurity Professional Certification which evaluates an individual’s competency to identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity risks within biological laboratories. This new certification is one of seven offered by IFBA and recognizes the unique cybersecurity concerns of biological laboratories and life sciences facilities in our digital age. IFBA will present this poster during the 24th Annual Conference of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA), 20-21 April 2023, in Athens, Greece. 

HSP is grateful to IFBA for the opportunity to co-author this poster presentation and serve on the Cyberbiosecurity Technical Committee. 

To read more about the new IFBA Professional Certification in Cyberbiosecurity, please click here

To read more about the 24th Annual EBSA Conference, please click here

ifba poster